Equipment Care

While our radio equipment is very sturdy, reasonable care in its use will result in a long life and low repair costs. Protection from shock is a major consideration in field use. Always use the case provided for the portable radios. If you are carrying a radio, be aware of its presence at all times, avoid dropping it or having it swing into rocks. Protection from weather is important. While our portables are weather resistant, they are not weatherproof. Protect them from rain and snow by keeping them under a parka or in a pack. Especially avoid submersion in streams. If you should drop a radio in water, turn it off at once and see that it is given to the Communications Committee. Should a radio not seem to be working correctly, discuss the problem with the Communications Committee or another team member experienced in the use of our equipment. No team member should attempt any repair work on our equipment unless qualified and approved by the Communications Committee.


EPSO acts as the dispatching agency for our Team. EPSO will usually contact us through the use of alphanumeric pages. Pages are usually sent to a member’s cell phone or other device via text messaging or e-mail. Stand-alone pagers are only assigned to members on an as-needed basis by the Communications Committee. Pages can also be sent by team members, particularly by the ODC when providing mission response information. Be certain you understand how and WHEN IT IS APPROPRIATE to send pages before attempting to do so.
