About This Site

The original El Paso County Search and Rescue (EPCSAR) Training Manual was completed in 1987. Until 2002, few revisions were made to that original document. In that time, many changes occurred to the group structure, equipment and resources. Much of the information was severely outdated. The original manual relied heavily on Mountain Search and Rescue Techniques by W.G. May, and largely referenced that book as the authority on our techniques. While the techniques discussed in that book are legitimate and safe, they do not represent many of the techniques and equipment used by EPCSAR and most of the other teams in our region.

Under NO circumstances should reading this manual/knowledgebase be considered a complete training program. There is no substitute for field training! While this manual/knowledgebase attempts to establish some “common ground”, it should not be considered a set of “standard operating procedures”, nor is it by any means complete. There are many good search and rescue techniques that are not discussed in this manual. Every search and rescue is different, and the specific techniques to be used in a given situation can be determined only through training and experience.

To every man, there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered that chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for that work.

-Winston Churchill

Four updated editions followed the 2002 version culminating with the first joint NASAR Manual (Fundamentals of Search and Rescue (FUNSAR)) and EPCSAR Training Manual based course conducted in 2010. The 2010 class represented the first New Member class graduating as certified NASAR SARTECH IIs and EPCSAR probationary Support Members under the MRA classification standard.

The 2015 edition of the EPCSAR Training Manual was the first attempt at synergizing the FUNSAR and EPCSAR manuals to continue the simultaneous certifications under both NASAR and EPCSAR/MRA.  This edition continues the Training Manual’s evolution by concentrating the knowledge and skillsets necessary for successful completion of New Member training in the body of the document and adding appendices with both more in-depth information on certain subjects and more advanced rope techniques which will be learned through the normal EPCSAR training cycles.

In 2021 The modernization of the traditional training manual was undertaken and this site manual/knowledgebase is that result.

Under NO circumstances should reading this manual/knowledgebase be considered a complete training program. There is no substitute for field training!

-Training Team